Features: Email Delivery

Notification emails, auto-reply emails, customized emails.

Check exactly the features available on each version with the comparison table.

Optional form processing includes built-in optional email delivery: data entered in the form can be sent by email to one or more email addresses and an auto-reply can be sent to the user who filled in the form. This option is also compatible with email delivery in payment gateway integrations.


Notification Emails

Notification Emails

Notification Emails

When a form is submitted, a notification email is sent to the email addresses specified in the settings area. This way the website administrators/managers receive instant email notification with a copy of the data entered into the form. These emails can be customized to modify content and styles.


Auto-reply Emails

Auto-reply Emails

Auto-reply Emails

An auto-reply email can be optionally setup for the user that fills in the form. This way, after submitting the form the user receives a copy of the data entered in the form and a custom text that can be added from the settings area. These emails can be customized to modify their content and style.


Customizing emails

Customizing emails

Customizing Emails

Notifications and auto-reply emails support a set of special tags for each form field, for the submission number, the IP address of the user that fills in the form and other values related to submission so the data can be placed into the email content in the desired format. The emails can be sent in plain text or in rich HTML format.


Troubleshooting area

The plugin uses settings specified in the WordPress website to deliver emails. If your hosting has any specific requirements, like a fixed "from" address or a custom "SMTP" server, those settings must be configured into the WordPress website.

If the emails aren't being delivered, first try using a "from" email address that belongs to your website domain. This is the most common restriction applied in most hosting services. If that doesn't work, please check whether or not your hosting service requires some specific configuration to send emails from PHP/WordPress websites.
